Junior Copywriter joins Stendahls team

Welcome Oscar Livh!


“Sad songs make me happy!”

When Oscar Livh studied Copywriting at Yrgo, Stendahls was one of the first agencies he came into contact with. Back then, working at such an agency felt like a distant prospect. So when the opportunity arose, Oscar did not hesitate for a second.

“I’m incredibly happy to be here,” states Oscar. “When I first encountered Stendahls during my time as a student, the agency was for me a giant house full of experienced people who worked with exactly what I wanted to work with. It still feels a bit surreal to be here, but the penny is slowly dropping. And all my new colleagues have made me feel incredibly welcome!”

After completing his course at Yrgo, Oscar has worked as a freelance copywriter. At Stendahls, he will work as a junior copywriter, where he believes that his curiosity combined with Stendahls’ vast experience will contribute to innovative thinking and effective communication.

“I am really looking forward to getting to know all my new colleagues,” says Oscar. “And to get free breakfast in the office!”

In addition to work – and free breakfast – Oscar finds peace and joy in sad music.

“I know it sounds weird, but I have a weakness for sad, melancholic songs. Somehow they always get me in a better mood. No one can listen to “I can’t make you love me” by Bonnie Raitt without rejoicing at how ingeniously beautiful it is!” concludes Oscar.

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Published 19. October 2021