Sustainable design

- future-proofing with accessibility


With approximately 20% of the population affected by one or more disabilities, one of the best ways to maximize the impact of your digital services is to make them more accessible.


September 26th, 12.00-13.00

Digital accessibility has become an important success factor for all types of businesses, in the public as well as in the private sector. New laws and regulations have led to increased awareness, and with ongoing global turbulence there is a growing need for sustainable and robust solutions that people can use even when they're stressed or exhausted.

Since there are many different aspects of accessibility to consider, it helps to reflect on which impact is most important and which types of users would benefit most from improved accessibility. And since a lot of accessibility work has happened during the last couple of years, especially in the public sector, there are lots of learnings and findings to benefit from if you know where to look.

In this session you will get hands-on tips on how to maximize the impact of your solutions by making them more accessible. You'll also learn about existing and upcoming accessibility regulations, including the upcoming European accessibility act covering digital services for e-commerce, banking services and public transport services.


Sara Lerén

UX Director

This is relevant to you if you are:

  • Responsible for digital development projects
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Product owner
  • Designer
  • Developer


Practical info:

Zoom link will be shared after you have signed up.
The talk is free of charge and will be held in English.
Our talks are mainly for new and existing customers we therefore reserve the right to reject others.

Sorry, signup is closed.
Hope to see you next time!