the potential of AI!


Get ready to understand the latest trends in AI, and what it means for you.


13 June, 12.00-13.00



Join us for an exciting webinar about AI!

Whether you're a business leader, an AI enthusiast, a tech professional, or simply eager to learn, this webinar will provide interesting takeaways.
Nothing excites us more at Stendahls than finding new and innovative ways to solve problems for our clients and partners while increasing business value and impact.

We are thrilled to be at the forefront of Generative AI, a fantastic new problem-solving technology. Services like ChatGPT quickly showcase the possibilities it offers. But what does this mean for my specific business, and how can I leverage these new possibilities?

Join us for a digital lunch webinar where we will guide you through hands-on use cases, best practices, the current state of AI, new developments, and potential future advancements.

Christofer is an AI Strategy Lead at Stendahls, with over 20 years of experience designing digital services and strategies.

See you there!


Christofer Falkman

AI Strategy Lead

+46 706 720 645

This is relevant to you if you are:

  • Responsible for digital development projects
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Head of Communications


Practical info:

This is digital only, you will get a zoom link when you have registered for the webinar below.

Our free Talks are mainly for new and existing customers. We therefore reserve the right to reject others.

Sorry, signup is closed.
Hope to see you next time!