Hey Carolina! Our new dog-loving Web Developer.


“Hvem er du? Hvem er du?” is streaming on repeat from the speakers at Vasagatan 7. It’s a new song on our Spotify playlist, added by our fresh-from-school Web Developer. And we are just as curious as Broder John; who are you, Carolina?

“I’m a restless soul who can’t sit still for too long. I spend most of my time at the gym or outdoors with my dog.”

Six years ago, this dog lover left behind puffer jackets and snow boots for raincoats and wellies. “You don’t need to know where life will take you” was her approach as she let life take her all the way from Umeå to Gothenburg. She worked as an Automotive Painter at Volvo until she felt an urge to challenge herself and evolve at work. So, she quit her job, attended the Web Developer program at Yrgo and joined Stendahls as an intern. Before she even graduated, she was hired and is now working with Stena as her main client.

That’s a significant change from painting cars, how did you get from there to here? “There is nothing negative in trying something new”, she says. And maybe it’s true, maybe not. However, we are glad that trying something new led her to us. But why Stendahls, you may wonder? So do we. “The history of Stendahls, the future visions and plans for continued growth caught my interest. I was also excited to join a larger agency with great clients”, Carolina says.

But there’s no great clients without great employees. And as Carolina is now one of them, we want to know what we can do to return the favor of having her here. “For me, friendly colleagues and the opportunity to evolve as a Web Developer is vital. And I feel like Stendahls already fulfill that need”, she says. “The house is full of people with different skills, and I’m thrilled that everyone shares knowledge to help each other. I’m beyond happy and excited to be here”, she continues.

The joy is mutual, Carolina.

Published 22. August 2022