Picking the raisins out of the Yrgo bun, nom nom.

Say hey to our new interns!


This spring, we have the joy of having three Yrgo students as interns at Stendahls: Moa Andersson, Elin Hultén, and Josephine Anthony. They will be joining in on our projects and sharpening their expertise in copywriting, art direction, and UX design.

Welcome! We’re very excited to have you here. What made you apply to Stendahls, and what will you be working with here?

“I’ve been following Stendahls on Linkedin for a while and felt that you were an innovative and creative agency working with exciting customers. I also heard that you have a good corporate culture which made me apply” says Josephine and continues “Right now, I’m working with Mölnlycke Health Care and improving the user experience while interacting with digital devices.”

Elin and Moa are here as a creative team and came in contact with Stendahls on Yrgo’s portfolio breakfast.

“We met Elin and Klas from Stendahls that morning and it was a very positive meeting. To truly flourish, we wanted an internship where we could surround ourselves with positive and encouraging people. And after meeting with them, it just felt right to choose Stendahls. At the moment we are being onboarded with Sandvik, but more projects with other clients are on the way”.

What are you hoping to learn more about at Stendahls?

Elin “I’m hoping to get a clearer view of what it’s like to work as an art director and what my strengths are. I want to learn a little bit about everything, but right now I’m eager to get to know more about film!”.

Moa “At the moment it’s more like: Who does what? And what exactly am I doing? But eventually, when the confusion has settled, I’m looking forward to getting to know a lot of people and use what I’ve learned at school”.

Josephine “I’m hoping to get to take part in as much as possible of the whole design process, to be able to grow as a UX-designer. Then of course, I want to contribute with interesting insights, innovative ideas and positive energy. And most of all, getting to know my team better!

So, now that I’ve asked the questions that the head of HR made me ask, let’s get personal. Moa, what’s your guilty pleasure?

“Haha! Fire. I love setting up a fire. It’s definitely one of my biggest hobbies. That, and sitting somewhere quiet and just staring out into nothingness. Yes, as you can hear, I’m great party company.”

Okay, party girl and pyrowoman. Great! How about you Josephine, tell me something you’re really, really bad at?

“Oh, that must be eating sushi with sticks!”

A bit calmer, I see. And you Elin. What would you tell your 15 year old self if you got the chance?

“Work on the base more, pluck your eyebrows less.”

Naaah… I think there’s more to it! I’ll be working on some more juicy answers from our interns during their stay here. But most of all, we at Stendahls will be working on giving these ladies a great internship and hopefully a solid ground to set off from when they go out and kick ass in the world! Welcome!

Are you interested in an internship at Stendahls? Let us know!

You can also reach out to some of our previous interns, now Stendarlings, on Linkedin if you have any questions or a funny TikTok to share.

Astrid Allde, UX Copywriter
Carolina Hagman, Web developer (an intern atm, soon Stendarling)
Molly Ljungström, Copywriter
Sofia Malmström, Art director
Johanna Schultz, Digital designer

Published 20. April 2022